News in English     | 23.04.2020. 17:59 |

European Federation of Journalists proposes Marshall Plan to help the media

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, April 23 (FENA) - The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has proposed the creation of a Marshall Plan for recovery of the media in the aftermath of the coronavirus crisis in Europe.

The plan was presented by EFJ representatives at a meeting with EU officials.

On this occasion, the President of the European Federation of Journalists Mogens Blicher Bjerregård recommended that EU Member States introduce a zero tax rate for journalistic productions.

Regarding the adoption of the Marshall Plan for media with direct support for media facing a loss of advertising revenue, it was said that this is particularly true in case of local media that are in danger of being shut down.

According to Bjerregård, aid should only be given to those media outlets that have not fired their reporters or suspended freelancers. Startups featuring freelancers should also be supported, EFJ suggests.

One idea put forward earlier is that direct financial support to the private sector should include vouchers for advertising in private professional media, as if all young EU citizens were given vouchers to subscribe to print or online media.

European countries should also include freelancers in unemployment support plans created during the pandemic crisis.

All these support mechanisms should have a long-term perspective, the EFJ President noted in the end. It was agreed that in the coming weeks the above proposals would be considered in detail in order to come up with a common strategy, the BH Journalists Association said in a statement.

(FENA) A. B.

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