News in English     | 21.04.2020. 15:26 |

UNESCO and UNICEF provide free Internet for 4.226 students

FENA Press release

BANJA LUKA, April 21 (FENA) - Ministry of Education and Culture of Republika Srpska, in collaboration with international organizations UNESCO and UNICEF, has provided 10GB of free Internet to 4.226 primary and secondary school students in that BiH entity.

These are students who come from socially disadvantaged families and families in difficult financial situation, as well as multi-member families, in order to ensure equal conditions for monitoring and realization of assignments within distance learning to all students in RS.

UNESCO provided a 10GB package for 2.245 elementary school students in the RS, and is available to them today until May 22, 2020, while UNICEF provided free Internet for 1.981 students, of which 1.037 are elementary and 944 high school students. This package will be available as of tomorrow until May 22, 2020, the RS Ministry of Education and Culture announced.

(FENA) A. B.

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