TUZLA, July 30 (FENA) - Elektrprivreda BiH believes that preparatory work for the construction of Block 7 of the Tuzla Thermal Power Plant will begin in the fall.
The group of bidders, ITC Zenica, Prijedorputevi and Integral Engineering Laktaši was selected for the contractors. Once the appeal deadline has passed, contracts should be signed. This group has offered the price of 17 million, 999 thousand KM without VAT for the execution of preparatory works for the construction of Block 7.
“We look forward to construction works staring early this fall. This procedure is still pending since there is also an appeal deadline within which other bidders have the right to appeal the decision made by Elektroprivreda, but we can say that this two-year process of selecting a contractor is preparatory,” said Senad Salkić, executive Director of Capital Investments of EP BiH.
(FENA) L. N.