KOŠICE, October 19 (FENA) - Strengthening the participation of countries that are not members of the European Union, but that are members of the EU strategy for the Danube region, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, will be one of the priorities of Slovenia's upcoming presidency.
Slovenia is taking over the presidency of the EU on November 1. According to the Slovenian coordinator for the three regional macro strategies, Petra Česen Čatar, Slovenia especially wants to focus on countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Ukraine and Moldova to actively participate in the Danube Strategy.
"We are planning a conference at the beginning of our presidency, on December 1, where the idea is to listen to the problems that non-EU countries face in participating in the Danube Strategy," Česen Čatar told FENA during the 11th annual EU Strategy Forum for the Danube Region in the Slovak city of Košice.
According to her, what Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to do is to actively participate in the 12 action groups of this macro-regional strategy in order to be able to decide which area is personally important to the country.
"What we can do is to have some kind of capacity building for countries that are not members of the EU," Česen Čatar concluded in a statement for FENA.
(FENA) S. R.