News in English     | 26.02.2020. 15:52 |

Academician Muhamed Filipović dies at the age of 91

FENA Nermina Omerbegović

SARAJEVO, February 26 (FENA) – Muhamed Filipović, a BiH academician, retired professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo, passed away in Sarajevo at the age of 91, FENA learns from the Bosniak Academy of Sciences and Arts (BANU). 

Muhamed Filipović was a member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of BiH, a professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo and president of BANU.

Filipović was one of the founders and vice-president of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), and during the war in BiH he was the vice-president of the Muslim Bosniak Organization Adil Zulfikarpašić, and the ambassador of the Republic of BiH to the United Kingdom.

He was born in Banja Luka in 1929, where he finished elementary and high school. He studied philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and Zagreb. He graduated in 1952 and received his doctorate in 1960.

He is the author of several books and some have been translated in other languages.

Last year, a symposium "The Life and Work of Academician Muhamed Filipović" was held at the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of his birth, organized by the Bosniak Academy of Sciences and Arts (BANU) and the University of Sarajevo (UNSA).

On this occasion, Muhamed Filipović said that "one has to exercise his function in society. To work, create and write. To teach people and to learn from people. This is what is necessary to live a life worthy of a man."

Information on the commemoration and funeral of Academician Filipović will be announced at a later date.

(FENA) A. B.

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