News in English     | 14.11.2019. 20:56 |

SDA: Glorification of war criminals poses a threat to stability and peace in BiH

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, November 14 (FENA) - Unveiling of the bust of Nikola Koljević in Banja Luka represents a new scandalous and anti-civilization act of glorifying war criminals by the RS entity authorities, the Party for Democratic Action (SDA) said today.

The party reminded that The Hague Tribunal in the verdict against Radovan Karadžić named Nikola Koljević as one of the participants in the joint criminal enterprise, which led to monstrous crimes and grave violations of international humanitarian law.

“Participation of the BiH Presidency member Milorad Dodik's in the glorification of such a person is a new insult to the victims, a violation of the rule of law and judgments of international courts, and further Dodik's political self-isolation, who is already formally on the US blacklist and unofficially on some others,” the statement said.

The SDA also underlined the scandalous presence at the event of convicted war criminal Momčilo Krajišnik.

“Today's image of Dodik with convicted war criminal Krajišnik will be another proof of what Bosnia and Herzegovina has been dealing with  - this will be clear to the international public, which has already intensely warned of celebrating war criminals in the RS,” stated the SDA.

The SDA warns that glorification of war criminals poses a direct threat to stability and peace, and an alarm to peace-enforcement institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“This is a new incident of provocation of the OHR and the PIC. It is high time for the OHR to deliver on its promises in the face of genocide deniers and war crimes glorifiers in BiH that threaten peace and the establishment of inter-ethnic trust in BiH,” the statement said.

(FENA) S. R.

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