News in English     | 31.10.2019. 17:10 |

Izetbegović: SDA does not condition anything, HDZ BiH and SNSD do

FENA Vernera Jakupović

SARAJEVO, October 31 (FENA) – Leader of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) Bakir Izetbegović, ahead of today's session of the SDA Main Board, told reporters that SDA will again call for forming state-level legislative power, because if it doesn't happen soon, measurable and immeasurable damage will follow.  

"Every day of government inaction costs taxpayers more than 60.000 KM. This is what is directly measurable and what is not is far greater - the image of the country, the investments that have been stopped, failure to take the path we have been given, departure of people, etc. We suffer enormous damage because of all this. Article 220 of the Criminal Code of BiH refers to failure to act. Therefore, I urge deputies not to bind appointment of the new convocation of the BiH Council of Ministers to the work of the legislative body," said Izetbegović.

For next week, he announced a meeting between SDA and the Croat Democratic Union (HDZ) of BiH, when the SDA wants to see whether or not the HDZ BiH is for NATO's path and activation of the NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP), conditioning for forming government or not.

"We hope to find the common stance on the issue. Of course, there is a judgment concerning Mostar, and we intend to intensify our talks and finally come to a solution soon. We also have migrant crisis; quite a lot of topics for today," Izetbegović said.

Asked to comment on yesterday's statement by HDZ BiH leader Dragan Čović that the ANP should not be a condition for forming BiH Council of Ministers and that "the Bosniak side always does something to condition or block ", the SDA leader replied that his party made no condition 'unlike the other two parties'.

"Not at all. Our only condition is that the BiH Constitution and the rule of laws and strategies previously enacted are respected, and this cannot be called a conditionality. Those who have conditions are the HDZ BiH and the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD), they are conditioning and obstructing," Izetbegović stated.

The SDA leader appreciates that Čović is making a bit controversial statements, saying on one occasion that he is in favor of calming political relations, and then he gives a completely different statement, like yesterday. However, next week is the meeting "so we'll see".

Asked for his opinion on the RS Government's report to the UN Security Council, which blames the High Representative in BiH and the SDA for violating the Dayton Peace Agreement, calling the SDA Declaration extremist, the president of SDA said "Let me tell you frankly, if it is not sad it would be ridiculous."

In addition to the report sent to the Security Council by the High Representative for BiH, it is unclear what the RS intends to achieve with its report. He believes that even serious people in the Security Council will not consider it relevant to receive a report from the RS without invitation or reason.

(FENA) A. B.

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