News in English     | 19.06.2018. 15:09 |

Crnadak meets respectively with ambassadors of Great Britain and Brazil

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, June 19 (FENA) - Minister of Foreign Affairs of BiH Igor Crnadak met respectively with ambassadors of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Edward Ferguson and Federal Republic of Brazil Manoel Gomes Pereira.

Minister Crnadak informed Ambassador Ferguson about current situation in BiH, with special emphasis on the upcoming General Elections in BiH and the EU accession process of BiH. Minister Crnadak briefly presented views on regional accession to European integration and key regional problems in the Euro-integration process of the Western Balkans, Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated.

Ambassador Ferguson said that the Western Balkans Summit in London will be of great importance for maintenance and improvement of engagement of Great Britain in this part of the Balkans and that main problems of the Western Balkans, apart from bilateral, remain being rule of law, corruption and organized crime.

They agreed they would work together on preparation and realization of the Western Balkans Summit within the Berlin Process, which will be held on July 9-10 in London.

It was emphasized at the meeting between Crnadak and Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Brazil to BiH Manoel Gomes Pereira that bilateral relations between the two countries are good and there are no open issues.

Towards improving bilateral relations, Minister Crnadak informed Ambassador Periera that Presidency of BiH received official proposal of BiH MFA to open a BiH embassy in Brazil and that they are working on realization of that idea.

(FENA) A. B.

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