News in English     | 23.05.2018. 14:30 |

ICTY Information Center opened at the Sarajevo City Hall (VIDEO)

FENA Alma Zukanović

SARAJEVO, May 23 (FENA) - High level delegation of the International Criminal Tribunal Mechanism (MICT), as the legal successor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), representatives of the executive, legislative and judicial authorities in BiH, the international community and associations of victims of war today attended the official opening of the Information Center on the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia at the Sarajevo City Hall.

Mayor of Sarajevo, Abdulah Skaka said that opening of this center will enable for some 400,000 documents in electronic form to be at disposal to the citizens, students and researchers from BiH and abroad.

He emphasized that the opening of the Center is a historical moment and expressed satisfaction that the City Administration successfully implemented this project.

Head of the Office of the President of the Mechanism for International Criminal Courts, Gabrielle McIntyre, pointed out that the opening of the Center is actually a project of the BiH authorities.

“The MICT wanted to establish a closer relationship with the community and people who were affected by the proceedings conducted in The Hague, "McIntyre said, adding that all data and evidence will be available on the Internet.

Chairman of the Mayors' Council for the Information Center, Ivo Komšić, said that this is the most important and most valuable archive in BiH, representing the archives of the contemporary history of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Former ICTY Judge, Fausto Pocar said that the opening of the Center was his idea so that all the documents of the International Criminal Court would be put at disposal to the interested parties and the citizens.

“This is your center. The legacy of the ICTY is in your hands," he said.

The opening ceremony also included the opening of the original courtroom of The Hague Tribunal, donated to the City of Sarajevo by the Mechanism as the legal successor of the ICTY.

Awards were then presented for the establishment of the center to the deserving individuals along with the opening of the exhibition titled "The Siege of Sarajevo seen through the ICTY Judgments".



(FENA) S. R.

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