News in English     | 24.09.2024. 13:46 |

Board of Directors appeals for delay of auction and finding a solution for BHRT's debt to EBU

FENA Press release, Photo: Illustration

SARAJEVO, September 24 (FENA) - An auction for the sale of BHRT's real estate is scheduled for Wednesday, September 25, at the Municipal Court in Sarajevo, following a lawsuit by the EBU for a debt totaling 16 million KM, including interest. According to the assessment by a court expert, the value of BHRT's assets (land and buildings) amounts to 160 million KM, as stated by the Board of Directors of BHRT.

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(FENA) A. B.

Vezane vijesti

BHRT Board of Directors urges authorities to find a solution or BHRT will be shut down


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