News in English     | 11.08.2022. 14:07 |

BiH CEC passes decisions on sanctioning political entities for violating provisions of Election Law

FENA Press release, Photo:

SARAJEVO, August 11 (FENA) - The Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina today, among other things, passed four decisions on sanctioning political subjects for violating the provisions of Article 16.14 paragraph (3) of the BiH Election Law. 


Decisions of the Central Election Commission of BiH are not legally binding and can be appealed to the Appellate Division of the Court of BiH within two days of receiving the decision.

According to the provisions of Article 16.14 paragraph (3) of the Election Law of BiH, it is prohibited to conduct a paid election campaign through electronic and printed media, or any form of paid public advertising, except for holding internal meetings of organs and statutory bodies of political entities, in the period from the day the election is announced until the official start of the election campaign. In accordance with the Instructions on the deadlines and sequence of election activities for the General Elections 2022, the election campaign officially begins on September 2 and lasts until the beginning of the election silence, that is, until October 1, 2022, until 7:00 a.m.

The CEC BiH emphasizes that in the period from May 4, 2022 until the official start of the election campaign, i.e. until September 2, 2022. year, only conducting and paying for an election campaign is prohibited.




(FENA) A. B.

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