News in English     | 05.06.2022. 19:25 |

Spahić: Bomb threat reports are an attempt to destabilize society, sow fear and mistrust

FENA Muamer Selimbegovic, Photo:

SARAJEVO, June 4 (FENA) - Frequent reports of bomb threats throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region are a phenomenon that, unfortunately, is reaching worrying proportions, with the aim of sowing insecurity, fear and distrust among the population, said an expert in the field of defense and security and former director of the Police Academy of the FBiH MoI, Dr. Taib Spahić in a statement for FENA.

Commenting on a series of threatening messages that caused public outrage, Spahić said it was a deliberate crime and destabilization attempt, which took the form of organized activities and aimed at sowing distrust in the institutions, primarily police and judicial authorities.

"This is a phenomenon that represents the so-called "the dark side of democracy, i.e. the process of globalization" - explains FENA's interlocutor, pleading for urgent measures, prompt and energetic action of law enforcement agencies, including repressive, but also proactive preventive measures.

In this context, he believes that social networking platforms need to be declared public spaces.

"It is necessary to act proactively in the sense that the platforms of social networks are declared public space as soon as possible and that it is subject to sanctions, and in order to prevent unauthorized/illegal access it is necessary to introduce the obligation to identify SIM card holders, as it is regulated in the majority of other countries," Spahić specifies.

He added that the creation of false profiles and false identities is not a democratic achievement, but that it is a matter of abuse and manipulation.

He is of the opinion that the distribution of threatening messages via e-mail, in fact, aims at sowing panic and harassing the public, which, as he states, has a particularly negative effect on younger members of the population.

Referring to the nature of this type of criminal activity, Spahić says that, in accordance with the immanent elements, and the probable political background of the appearance of false reports, this type of activity has the characteristics of terrorism and organized crime.

All of this implies that it is necessary to act promptly to find an effective response of the competent institutions to the latest security challenge, such as the once sporadic occurrence of reports of planted bombs, as evidenced by the activities that the competent institutions are continuously undertaking.

Among others, the FBiH Police Administration (FUP) has been engaged in this field, which, in the meantime, issued a press release regarding the bomb reports, stating that the police agencies in all specific cases took timely measures and actions to remove suspicions and prevented possible consequences, and identified the culprits.

According to the data available so far, the persons who sent false reports used web domains owned by foreign companies to register e-mail accounts, and in this regard, the capacities of Interpol and Europol were used to detect perpetrators, and communication was established for the exchange operationally interesting data of police agencies at the regional level.

(FENA) S. R.

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