News in English     | 28.09.2018. 19:56 |

European Researchers' Night held in Sarajevo (VIDEO)

FENA Hazim Aljović

SARAJEVO, September 28 (FENA) - European Researchers’ Night was held this evening in Sarajevo under the slogan "Let's STEAM! Creating new opportunities ", at a traditional venue at Wilson’s Promenade gathering a large number of visitors at this event which is a festival of science and research.

Aside Sarajevo, the event also brought together science lovers in Banja Luka, Mostar, Bijeljina, Goražde, Tuzla, Zenica, Konjic and Brčko, in an effort to raise awareness of research and innovation in BiH, to support researchers and promote the achievements of local scientists.

Assistant Minister of Science and Culture of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH Biljana Čamur Veselinović told FENA that the event is growing each year and that the Ministry continues to support it.

“In accordance with the Science Development Strategy in BiH, which was adopted by the BiH Council of Ministers for the period until January 2022, one of the priorities is promotion of science, research, and innovation and bringing science closer to the new generations,” said Čamur Veselinović.

She emphasized that the European Researchers’ Night in this aspect is very important because it includes representatives of institutions, prominent scientists, and young people.

The implementation of the European Researchers’ Night project started in 2005, under the auspices of the FP7 program of the European Union, and activities under this project are being organized on last Friday in September.

Last year, the European Researchers’ Night was held in 342 cities across Europe, bringing together 2,200 researchers and more than a million visitors.



(FENA) S. R.

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