News in English     | 10.06.2019. 14:58 |

PDHR Scanlan: Time for progressive agendas

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, June 10 (FENA) - The Principal Deputy High Representative and Brčko Supervisor, Michael Scanlan, concluded a three-day visit to Banja Luka in which he met with several state and RS officials, including RS Prime Minister Radovan Višković, RS Interior Minister Dragan Lukac and RS Minister of Energy and Mining Petar Đokić.

He also met with the BiH Indirect Taxation Authority Director Miro Džakula, Banja Luka Mayor Igor Radojičić and honorary PDP president Mladen Ivanić.

The Principal Deputy High Representative used the opportunity to exchange views on current political and economic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

“All levels of government are critical to Bosnia and Herzegovina achieving its citizens’ aspirations for stability, prosperity and EU integration. If all sides refrain from negative rhetoric, progress is attainable through consensual politics with a future-oriented focus on reforms.

While viewpoints may differ depending on background or geographic location, these shared aspirations can and should guide all political sides to improve communication and understanding in the interest of building their common future,” said Scanlan, the OHR announced.

(FENA) S. R.

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